Saturday, December 19, 2009

Introducing the NEW ME!

Well, these past few weeks have been phenomenal!
We have been reorganizing (or shall I say ORGANIZING) our house; redecorating; incorporating style; resurrecting my crafty side [that has been hidden for YEARS]; and truly turning our house into a home.

It all started when one of my boyfriend's new friends came over, Mike from his car club, and I felt so uneasy with how cluttered my house was. Honestly, he was the first guy that I respected, to set foot through our doorway. I was mortified at what he may have thought- with the first impression of our home. He was super nice and kept reassuring me that it was fine, and that his house looked the same, but with as nice as he was, I just couldn't believe him. He was truly heaven sent. His presence was exactly what we needed to get our lives in check. I hope to tell him how much he's changed our lives for the better.

Then I realized we have lived here for 7 years!! For a few years now I've been telling everyone, "Oh we've been living here for 4 years".
Just like my obsession with shopping for clothes: having too much of everything, but couldn't find a thing to wear.... I quickly learned: I HAD TOO MUCH OF E V E R Y T H I N G, and what's worse... I was NOT using it!
So, out with the old, in with the new.... in moderation.

I have been complaining for YEARS that we didn't have enough cabinet space, to the point where I'd be in tears sometimes, only to JUST NOW LEARN that I've had the cabinet space all along, I've just been storing useless stuff in it!
I even found receipts from 2003 in little boxes, and No Bake Cheesecake mix that expired in 2006... yummmm- NOT!

We have tackled the living room, the kitchen, the hallway, the "office", and the bathroom.
The bathroom was so rewarding. The bathroom was so dated, and cluttered.
I had a girl over and was foiling her hair, and she walked out of my bathroom and said, "It looks like a CVS in there!" She was referring to the 35 or so hygiene products: soap, shampoos, conditioners, hair sprays, toothpastes, etc. that were OPENLY displayed and taking up space in there.
My cabinets just had things shoved in there, and I rarely used anything that I kept stored in the drawers.
It was a HUGE eye opener as well.

Last, I owe a big thanks to my friend Amanda, she runs Scribbled Sentences. She introduced me to a few posts on here, which got my gears turning, mostly about redecorating on a budget and incorporating style into your life. I have known her since she was like 4 years old. Even with our age difference, she was still one of my best friends. Her mom and dad had a gorgeous house, and she takes after them with an even cooler style. If it wasn't for her dabbling in her crafts, and posting her blogs, I don't think I would have advanced this much these past few weeks.

Our home is no longer drab. It actually has a STYLE, where before things were pretty much thrown together.

I will be posting the stuff I've done soon.

Here's some things listed (pictures will accompany the blogs!!!):

* Made my own NO SEW curtains! (A few pairs actually!);
* Rearranged my book shelf, only to rearrange it again by REMOVING the paper book covers from the hard cover books. By doing this, there aren't many books that clash with my interior now (before there were tons of pink/ hot pink/ purple covers!) this way they don't stick out like a sore thumb;
* Made affordable holiday decorations;
* Started a plate collection... was going to hang them on the wall, but decided to UTILIZE the CHINA CABINET for CHINA rather than to house DVDs and awful eye sore items that greeted visitors when they first entered our home--- yuck;
* Actually decorated for the holiday season!;
* Made a very inexpensive earring holder;
* Inexpensive organizing tips;
* Customized a monogram project;
* My EXCELLENT finds at Goodwill, Salvation Army, Marden's, Target, WalMart, TJ Maxx, Marshalls, HomeGoods, Dollar Tree, Ikea, Christmas Tree Shops, Edgewood Thrift, Ollies, Savers and the likes;
* Made an iPod docking station dust cover;
* Learned how to decorate shelves;
* Developed a love for OWLS!;
* and made simple changes that made a world of difference!
Something I haven't done, but can't wait to do, thanks to all of the blogs, is SPRAY PAINT! Yup, that's right, I want to jump on the makeover bandwagon with spray paint! Spring can't get here soon enough! I already have a huge list of items to paint!!

Stay tuned!
Thank you for reading!

(PS This blog is now for crafts, decorating, cooking, baking, tips, cleaning, organizing, style, discount shopping, thrift store finds, etc. This will no longer be dedicated to my personal relationship).

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