Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's the Little Things that Make a Big Difference- Livingroom Rug:

I'm semi- spotlighting the new rug in the livingroom, that I purchased for $119.00 at Mardens.
I was in the market for a KITCHEN rug and saw this rug and fell in love with it for my livingroom! It has all of my colors in the livingroom and it beautiful (though my pictures don't do it justice- I'm sorry, I am an awful photographer when it comes to taking pictures of my interior).
There was NO rug there before, just the red carpet. The rug just ties everything together now.
Remember, I am ONLY spotlighting the rug, as there have been new changes to this room, including a SECOND overhaul on the bookshelf (wait til you see THAT before and after blog!!), a new curtain behind the hutch (blog and pictures coming soon), some new decorations for the season (though I am late- LOL), a plant (a.k.a. "element of life"), mirrors, a lamp on the hutch has been repositioned ontop of the tin to add balance, a new tablecloth for the beadboard stand, and the window frame behind the hutch has yet to be stained.
Don't forget to click on the pictures to enlarge them!

BEFORE: The rug isn't as BRIGHT as this is showing, it's more of a deep red or maroon.

AFTER: "Sammy" happy because there's a new rug so he's running around!

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