Friday, February 5, 2010

It's the Little Things That Make a Big Difference- [Thrifty Finds]: Salt & Pepper Shakers:

I never thought to change out my salt and pepper shakers, they did the job, they fit into the decor, and they rarely got used. But we took a trip to Goodwill, and he tracked me down in one of the isles and said, "What do you think of these?" Well, they were a little weird looking to me at first, but they we .99 a piece and black, white and gray. I thought, "Suuuure, I can work with them".
Took them home, cleaned them out (just incase), and they look beautiful! Great find! (I'll post a better picture of it later this week).
After: (feel free to click on the pictures to enlarge them)
Before (below):

**SIDENOTE: The sign fits PERFECTLY in my home in more ways than one! Of course it is black and white (well creamy) and the flowers on it fit into what I am trying to achieve, and the saying "May all your weeds be wildflowers" reminds me of an old friend who decided to rid people of her lives then titled her blog, "Picked all my weeds and kept the flowers" and wrote about how insensitive she was. Weeds are beautiful, and when ignored can be even more beautiful when you let them run free. That was .99 cents from Goodwill... well spent!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Butterfly Wall Art for the Kitchen:

I have been searching for artwork, and I don't know why, considering I am a heck of an artist, even so, I couldn't find anything I liked as of yet, so I made some pictures for the encasing part of my cabinets that surround my sink.

I purchased 2 identical stainless steel/ chrome picture frames for .99 a piece at the Salvation Army.
I used 4 translucent, reuseable butterfly stickers (the same style of the ones for the range hood)- From The Dollar Tree, and 2 different shades of yellow construction paper.

I alternated the dark yellow and light yellow rectangles that I cut out to slide behind the picture frame glass, one frame had dark yellow in the top square, one frame had the dark yellow in the bottom square. From there I stuck the butterfly decals on the glass, with the largest butterfly that fit onto the glass on the darker yellow.

This whole project cost me about $2.62 for two beautifully framed pictures that matched my kitchen decor perfectly!
Sorry AGAIN, for my poor photography, I will post better pictures this week.
(feel free to click on the pictures to enlarge them)

Thrifty Find- YELLOW Kitchen Curtains!

I have been envisioning YELLOW curtains for the kitchen since I've embarked on this project.
I found the most perfect length, shade of yellow, and exact style at Goodwill. There wasn't a tag on them, but the woman said $3.99-- then I used my trusty Goodwill Discount card and saved 10% off of that!

Below I have a post titled: Inexpensive No Sew Kitchen Curtains, where I tried my crafty skills for the first time in a loooong time, and it turned out alright. I am happy to report that I took those curtains down, put my black panels back up from WalMart [on the large window] and popped these babies onto the rod! I LOVE THEM, LOVE THEM, LOVE THEM! The kitchen is so bright and sunny!
(PS I suck at taking pictures, so I'll have better ones up soon)


The faucet will be getting changed out very soon.
Before pictures are in the other curtain blog.

It's the Little Things that Make a Big Difference- Longer/ Higher Curtains:

I've learned that you should hang your curtains higher to make your room appear taller. And let's face it, this tiny trailer needs all the help it can get.
Sadly I don't have a "before" picture of the short curtains attached right above the window sill, but I do have a picture of how silly they look with the rod placed at the more appropriate level.
[Nevermind the blank walls as they are a work in progress].

AFTER: These are actually 4 long scarves with the bandana "do-rag" type pattern, They are from Goodwill, brand new - Target rejects. Goodwill gets a lot of the Target merchandise that doesn't sell. These were $2.00 a piece, and I put them on curtain clips from Ikea. I love how flowy they are, they let the light in and it's a lot more clean and crisp looking. I do want to get more- hopefully there are still some left. I got this idea from someone I was following who made "Bohemian" style curtains with fabric that she cut into strips and then knotted around the rod. I thought it was so simple, so bold, unique and very pretty. If you ever see her blog- please feel free to tell me who she was so I can give credit where credit is due.

BEFORE: Yuck! WalMart Curtains.


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